Hepta Flouroprane is liquefied compressed Colourless, Odourless, Electrically non-conductive gas, works to quench fires in seconds & hold damage to a max. Suppresses Fire primarily by physically cooling flame through removing heat energy, & interrupting the combustion reaction to an extent that cannot sustain itself. Waterless Fire Suppressant Does not Leave residues, Particulate, Water or Corrosion.
- LIFECO 227ea is an Engineered & Pre- Engineered Computer Design to protect Specific Hazards.
- With LIFECO 227 Clean agent system you assured fast, efficient, environmentally safe fire Extinguishment.
- Active on fire with complete Extinguishment capability designed to fully discharge with in seconds.
- Three dimensional suppression, & with effective penetration to knock down fires in hidden spaces.
- Zero Ozone depletion Potential.
- Superior to Water & Dry chemicals.
- Suitable for class A, B, C fires.